A portable device that discharges a jet of water material to extinguish a fire
It is typically made up of smoke and detectors, manual call points, sounder and remote notifications capability-can provide early warning of a developing fire.
The Gas Leakage Detector is designed for detecting and early warning of gas leaks
The UV/IR flame detector senses radiant energy in the short wave sections of both the ultraviolet and infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The signals from both sensors are analyzed for frequency, intensity, and duration.
The Portable Gas Detectors can detect smallest leak of Oxygen, Toxic or combustible gases with digital display of gas concentration on the LCD with on/ off option. The Detector has the feature of easy handling and programming with 3 keys and power supply with rechargeable batteries
Solar LED Pathway Light running on and taking advantage of the adundance of solar rays the innovative product provides the power to illuminate your walkways, pathway, garden area ver beautiful and elegant. Boasting a capacity to withstand upto 2000 kgs of weight, So what are you thinking power up your house garden area, near by lans Landscape with Solar Led Brick Lights.